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Best Times to Seed

Middle Park Conservation District sells grass and wildflower seed to help residents conserve their land by reducing soil erosion and sedimentation, improving water quality, providing wildlife habitat, and lessening the likelihood noxious weed establishment.

We keep several seed mixes on hand year-round, but does that mean you should plant seed anytime of the year?  --- NO!!!

Grasses should be seeded when soil moisture and temperature are optimum for germination. Grasses are designated either “cool” or “warm” season based on their growth cycle. In Grand and Summit Counties, we really only have cool- season grasses. Cool-season grasses can be planted when temperatures are cooler and day lengths shorter. Also, if you are relying on Mother Nature to water your seed, you will want to capitalize on times when available precipitation is the highest.

Accordingly, the three main seeding windows in Middle Park are:

  • Spring (late April-May right after snow melts off)
  • Late Summer (mid July-early August during the summer monsoons)
  • Late Fall (mid to end of October until first perennial snow)

Is it harmful to seed at the wrong time of the year?  --- NO!!!

Seeding at the wrong time of year does NOT cause harm to anything but your pocketbook. When seed is sown at the wrong time of the year, it is less likely to germinate and grow. It may lay dormant until the next ideal germination time; it may get washed or blown away; or the birds and ground squirrels may eat it. Either way, there is a strong likelihood that you will just be wasting your money.

What else do I need to know?

Middle Park Conservation District has developed a handy instruction sheet for seeding called "Keys to Successful Seeding". We have also written an article on "Why Did My Seed Not Grow". Between these two documents, you will learn all the many facets of seeding you never knew you didn't know.

Seeding is more of an art than a science!


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