Ultimate Landowner Guide

High Country Rural Living & Land Management
The ULTIMATE Guide to Living in Middle Park!
MPCD released its 1st and 2nd editions of this guide in February 2020 and December 2021, respectively. This 3rd edition was released in April 2022.
Importance of this Guide
When Grand and Summit Counties were settled, most residents were homegrown experts in agriculture and proper land management. Nowadays, most residents and newcomers are second homeowners and town folk.
Living in rural mountain communities promises both challenges and rewards. We hope, through this guide, you will:
a) Better understand the limitations and opportunities created by living in the mountains;
b) Set achievable goals for your property and lifestyle;
c) Grasp conservation-minded principles and acknowledge the importance of conserving our precious natural resources for future generations.
This 64-page guide is so thorough and diverse that even those who think they know everything about living in the high country are bound to learn something new.
For a printed copy of this book, email middleparkcd@gmail.com