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Ditch Clean Up

 Spray Round Up

When most ranchers think about ditch clean up, they think about burning or discing their ditches.  However, many may not automatically think of using Roundup to help keep grasses away. 

Mark Volt, NRCS District Conservationist out of Kremmling, says that spraying Roundup (Glyphosate) in your ditches in the spring once they have greened up will kill the grasses and help keep the water flowing through. 

Important Notes:

1) Roundup or Glyphosate should be sprayed at a concentration of no more than 2% by volume. 
2) It will only kill what is green, so there is no use in doing it too early. 
3) If there is a lot of dead grass covering the new growth, it won't work do it after you burn or disc. 
4) Only spray on the inside of the ditch up to the High Water Mark and NOT on the ditch bank. 
5) You need to do it at least one week before you intend to turn your water on.
6) Turn your water on to expedite green up.  Then turn it off.  Spray.  Leave off for at least one week before turning it on again.

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