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Don’t Wait—Mitigate! 

A stopwatch on chalkboard with "DON'T WAIT" written in chalk.

 Take These Steps TODAY!

1) Get a Home Ignition Zone Assessment 

Have a local mitigation specialist perform a wildfire risk assessment. 

2) Become a Firewise USA Community

If you live in an HOA, subdivision, or have nearby neighbors, consider becoming a “Firewise” community. 

3) Attend Grand County Community Chipping Days or Summit Counties Drive By Chipping Days

 Each summer, GCWC hosts several Community Chipping Days to provide residents a free option for slash removal. Summit has a rotating drive-by chipping program throughout the county.

4) Seek Reimbursement through a Cost-Share Program 

 Both Grand and Summit Wildfire Councils have Cost-Share Programs / Mitigation Grants to help landowners mitigate their properties

5) Order a Reflective Address Sign

 Help emergency responders find your home in dark and smoky conditions by installing a reflective address sign at the end of your driveway.

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