Seed Descriptions
In addition to the Mixes below, we also carry PURPLE TOP TURNIPS, LADAK ALFALFA, and MOUNTAIN WILDFLOWER MIX!!!!
To purchase seed visit our Seed Page for the current order form.
Regularly Stocked Mixes
DRYLAND PASTURE MIX (seeding rate 25#/ac)
Good forage, great competition for weeds, good for erosion control, good reclamation mix, good for dry to semi irrigated land. Compared to the Dryland Reclamation Mix below, this has more leaf and higher production for grazing situations.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Smooth Brome | Lincoln or Manchar | 50 |
Pubescent Wheatgrass | 50 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
DRYLAND RECLAMATION (seeding rate 25#/ac)
Good forage, great competition for weeds, good for erosion control, good reclamation mix, good for dry to semi-irrigated land. Compared to the Dryland Pasture Mix above, this has more diversity and will be better for dryland reclamation. It can be used for forage but is not as good as the dryland pasture for that specific purpose.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Pubescent Wheatgrass | Luna | 30 |
Smooth Brome | Lincoln or Manchar | 20 |
Intermediate Wheatgrass | 10 | |
Green Needlegrass | 20 | |
Slender Wheatgrass | 20 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
IRRIGATED MEADOW MIX (seeding rate 10#/ac)
Good for an irrigated hay meadow or pasture, good competition for weeds, excellent palatability.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Meadow Brome | Cache | 60 |
Orchard Grass | Potomic | 14 |
Timothy | Climax | 8 |
Alsike Clover | VNS | 6 |
Red Clover | Mammoth | 12 |
TOTAL | 100 |
FOREST MIX (seeding rate 10#/ac)
Good for logged areas, slash piles, forested areas, good competition for weeds, best over 8,000’ elevation or areas with good moisture potential under 8,000’.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Mountain Brome | Bromar | 36 |
Orchard Grass | Paiute | 4 |
Sheep Fescue | VNS/Covar | 2 |
Pubescent Wheatgrass | Luna | 14 |
Western Wheatgrass | Rosana | 6 |
Smooth Brome | Manchar/Lincoln | 6 |
Slender Wheat Grass | VNS/San Luis | 20 |
Alsike Clover | VNS | 2 |
Timothy | Climax | 2 |
Kentucky Bluegrass | Ginger/VNS | 2 |
Idaho Fescue | Winchester/VNS | 2 |
Red Clover | Mammoth | 4 |
TOTAL | 100 |
DURA TURF Lawn Mix (seeding rate 6-8#/1000 sq. feet)
Traditional turf-type lawn mix, requires irrigation and mowing.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Tall Fescue | Talladega | 30 |
Tall Fescue | Grande 3 | 25 |
Tall Fescue | Jaguar 4G | 25 |
Perennial Ryegrass | Premium | 10 |
Kentucky Bluegrass | SR 2100 | 10 |
TOTAL | 100 |
OLD SHORT MIX (seeding rate 10-25#/ac)
This is the low grow mix we sold prior to 2023. We do NOT stock it anymore, but we can get it for people who wish to interseed areas that were previously seeded with this mix.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Western Wheatgrass or Streambank Wheatgrass | Rosana or Sodar | 82 |
Sheep FescueSheep Fescue | VNS/Covar | 16 |
Kentucky Bluegrass | Ginger/VNS | 2 |
TOTAL | 100 |
NEW SHORT MIX (seeding rate 25-50#/ac, 2-5# per 1000 sq ft on smaller areas)
Starting in 2023, this is our new low-grow mix. This low grow mix is a cool season grass mix that have adapted to inhabit a wide range of hills and mountain conditions. It has been adapted for reclamation/restoration in the medium to cooler mountain climates, and is recommended for low-growing cover. It is also used as a low-maintenance turf in the Rocky Mountain area.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Canada Bluegrass | 25 | |
Sandberg Bluegrass | 25 | |
Rocky Mountain Fescue | 25 | |
Sheep Fescue | 25 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
WILDLIFE MIX (seeding rate 10#/ac)
Good forage for big game, beware of bloat potential.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Forage Turnips | VNS | 16 |
Alfalfa | Ladak | 24 |
Alsike Clover | VNS | 6 |
Red Clover | Mammoth | 8 |
Sainfoin (shelled) | Dryland Variety | 46 |
TOTAL | 100 |
Clover Mix (seeding rate 4#/acre)
Mix of clovers to increase nutrition of livestock and wildlife forage.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Red Clover | 50 | |
Alsike Clover | 50 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
Special Order Mixes (not stocked)
Native Dry Mountain Mix (seeding rate 25-50#/acre)
Mix of ALL NATIVE species that are adapted to dryland situations.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Mountain Brome | 20 | |
Slender Wheatgrass | 15 | |
Thickspike Wheatgrass | 15 | |
Streambank Wheatgrass | 15 | |
Rocky Mountain Fescue | 10 | |
Sandberg Bluegrass | 10 | |
Bluebunch Wheatgrass | 10 | |
Bottlebrush Squirreltail | 2.5 | |
Prairie Junegrass | 2.5 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
Native Low Grow Mix (seeding rate 25-50#/acre)
Mix of ALL NATIVE species that are adapted to dryland situations and are shorter in height.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Rocky Mountain Fescue | 50 | |
Sandberg Bluegrass | 25 | |
Canby Bluegrass | 25 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
Adapted Fire Mix (seeding rate 25-50#/acre)
Mix of high altitude all native species that are good for revegetation after wildfire.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Mountain Brome | 32.4 | |
Slender Wheatgrass | 18 | |
Intermediate Wheatgrass | 12.6 | |
Sterile Triticale | 10 | |
Western Wheatgrass | 5.4 | |
Smooth Brome | 5.4 | |
Red Clover | 3.6 | |
Orchardgrass | 3.6 | |
Sheep Fescue | 1.8 | |
Timothy | 1.8 | |
Kentucky Bluegrass | 1.8 | |
Arizona/Rocky Mtn Fescue | 1.8 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
Native Fire Mix (seeding rate 25-50#/acre)
Mix of high altitude all native species that are good for revegetation after wildfire.
Species | Variety | % in mix |
Quickguard Sterile Triticale | 35 | |
Mountain Brome | 26.5 | |
Slender Wheatgrass | 19.5 | |
Western Wheatgrass | 17 | |
Sandberg Wheatgrass | 2 | |
TOTAL | 100 |