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The Thistles

List of Noxious Thistles and their Key Identifying Features

You can also check out the Thistles of Colorado Guide

Latin NameCommon NameOriginFlowerLeavesStemsHeightGrowth Form
Carduus nutansMusk thistleNonnative, noxiousPurple; single very large nodding flower at end of stem; purple bractsDeeply lobed, dark green with light green midrib; spiny marginsSpiny winged1-6 feetBiennial
Onopordum acanthiumScotch thistleNonnative, noxiousPurple; large upright flowerheads; bracts are spine-tippedToothed with slight lobe; attach directly to stem; hairy, giving grayish appearance to plantSpiny winged, hairyTo 10 feetBiennial
Cirsium arvenseCanada thistleNonnative, noxiousLight purple to white; multiple small flower heads in clusters on each stemWhitish underside; spiny-tipped irregular lobes; attach directly to stemSmooth with no spines; ridged1.5-4 feetPerennial (from crown and rhizomes}
Cirsium vulgareBull thistleNonnative, noxiousPink to purple; occur in clusters at ends of branchesTops of leaves are hairy and prickly (unidirectional}; underside is cottony with prominently raised main veinsSpiny winged1-6 feetBiennial
Carduus acanthoidesPlumeless thistleNonnative, noxiousPink, red, or purple; single or in clusters of 2-5 at end of branchBasal leaves have spiny lobes; stem leaves blend into stem; leaves with prominent midrib (like musk thistle)Spiny winged; extend to flower headTo 6 ftBiennal or annual
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