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What are noxious weeds & Why should you care?

What are Noxious Weeds

Noxious weeds, as defined in the Colorado Noxious Weed Act, are non native “alien” plants that aggressively invade; are detrimental to economic crops or native plant communities; are poisonous to livestock; are carriers of detrimental insects, diseases or parasites; or have direct or indirect effects that are detrimental to the environmentally sound management of a natural or agricultural ecosystem.

Why Should You Care?

You should care about noxious weeds because they are a threat to Colorado’s natural resources.  Thousands of acres of cropland, rangeland, wildlife habitat and native plant communities are being destroyed  by noxious weeds every single year.

What to do if you have a weed problem and need help

1. Look through this guide and try to identify the weed.

2. Take the precautionary actions suggested in this guide to contain the weed and reduce its spread.

3. Try not disturb soil, if at all possible.  If soil disturbance is necessary, reseed with desirable species ASAP.

4. Remember, weed management is NOT a one time deal; it will require ongoing efforts (likely for many years to come).  Perennial weeds require a perennial solution. 

5. If you need further assistance, contact Grand County DNR or Summit County Weed Department.

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