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Why did my Grass Seed Not Grow?

A common question we get in our office is "Why did the seed I bought not come up?"
Though it is easy to automatically assume that the seed must be bad or poor quality, the reality is that so many factors play into the successful germination and survival of grass and wildflower seeds

Proper watering; sunlight; soil type, preparation, and compaction; planting depth; herbicide use; seed type and quality; and timing of planting can all play into successful seeding.

There are 4 main things that seeds need to germinate. If any one of these is missing or compromised, germination may fail.

  1. Seed-to-soil contact,
  2. The right amount of moisture
  3. The right temperature, and
  4. Sunlight.

Additionally, if the seedbed is the not prepared correctly, is too compact, too soft, or has an unfavorable pH or mineral content, it could also impact your seeding success. 

Seeds that are not adapted to your environment (the proper elevation, moisture and exposure conditions); are planted too deep or too shallow; are subject to too much grazing pressure, foot traffic, erosion, or herbicide use; are not covered with enough soil or mulch; or are not planted at the proper seeding rate or time of year may also fall flat.   

While seed quality and age can impact the success of a seeding, all seed purchased by MPCD is tested by the supplier prior to shipping to determine its germination rate.  That germination rate is printed on the seed label as well as the seed's packaging date. MPCD seeks seed suppliers that package good quality seed with large percentages of pure live seed.

For other handy tips on Successful Seedings, check out our Keys to Successfull Seeding.

Final thought...

Seeding success often requires a health dose of patience and persistence. Some species have seeds that can remain dormant, yet perfectly viable, for years.  Others have a naturally low germination rate.  Give your seed some time after planting to see if they come up.  If they don't sprout within a few months, try again during the next proper seeding window.  Maybe the conditions weren't right on the first go but will be right on the second try.


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